Well I guess it's about time for a blog. Yeah I know, I update about as often as HBO. I could say things have been relatively quiet and inactive, thus leaving me with nothing to write about, but I would be lying. While lying is generally practiced in the world of Bigfoot, as a personal choice I try to distance myself from it. The truth of the matter is there has been quite a bit going on. I'm sure most of you have already read about it on other blogs, message boards, and websites. Everyone has an opinion about it, and I believe most people share at least somewhat of a common opinion. I've offered my own take on the matters a few places, but as is the case with anything, I am only one individual with my own independent opinion. Therefore I don't see any reason to offer it here yet again. I will say this much though. I believe some bad choices were made. I believe things could have been handled differently. I also believe a lot of the issues were caused by individuals who were on the sidelines, and not from the actual source of the information. I believe the information was brought to light by certain people, and then the source of the information was left there to defend himself. I also believe that even if I or anyone else doesn't agree with it, that's just the way things are, and that's how things work in this community. Just another fine example of why people keep their opinions and information to themselves. Why people don't go around sharing things openly with one another. And why certain things will never change within this community because of it.
Now onward to other things.
What do any of us get out of researching Bigfoot? What's the pay off? I realize most of us are interested in "solving the mystery." But what if that doesn't happen? Do we try to establish some sort of legacy? Do we try to make a name for ourselves while we're here, so those that follow us in this endeavor know who we are, and what we did? Time stops for no one, and the Bigfoot field is no different. It slowly creeps forward through time, never stopping. Individuals come and go, people pass on, and new people arrive. So for those individuals who were not around when the Patterson film came to existence, the people who were not close colleagues with the founders of what has come to be known as the Bigfoot research community, the ones who don't write books and appear on documentaries, what is it in for you? I know we all share that common thirst for knowledge, but in this field of study, the knowledge that comes is never enough to quench that thirst.
The chances are the mystery will not be solved in this lifetime. Sure there's a chance, but that chance has always been there. You might have a sighting, which trust me, is a life changing experience, but is that experience, or more importantly the chance of that experience, enough to justify the number of hours, dollars, and amount of work you put into it? There is a pay off or a reason behind everything we do as humans. So what is it for you?
We all have the noble answers such as the friendships gained, and the time we enjoy spending out in nature and the great outdoors, but you don't have to be looking for Bigfoot evidence to acquire or experience either of those. Is it something that even needs to be justified? Justification can sometimes compel an individual to embellish the facts. Sometimes our desire to justify ourselves and our actions, lead us to half truths and outright lies. Especially when we find ourselves on the defensive.
At some point in time the community mindset shifted to the point where we feel the need that everything must be justified. We need proof. Someone saying so isn't enough for us, and we refuse to accept it. Most of the time. Then you start finding yourself in those contradicting grey areas. We might know someone, they might be a friend or colleague. Perhaps we just like an individual for some other reason, such as we agree with what they say, or the things they say we find interesting and enlightening. For whatever reason we form a judgement of that person, one of trust and belief.
Example A: I'm no-kill. Bob is no-kill. I agree with Bob. Bob and I talk to one another quite often. Bob is a nice guy. Bob says he saw a Bigfoot and that the Bigfoot spoke to him mentally. That's kind of hard to swallow, but I know Bob, and Bob is honest. Bob has no reason to lie to me, so I believe Bob even though I can't explain what Bob says.
Example B: I'm no-kill. Jim is pro-kill. I disagree with Jim. Jim and I never talk to one another. I don't like the things Jim says. Jim says he saw a Bigfoot and that the Bigfoot spoke to him mentally. Where's Jim's proof that this happened? I demand Jim's proof! If Jim can't prove this to me, then Jim is a liar! Jim shouldn't even be allowed in this community! Anyone who likes or agrees with Jim is wrong!
Now I do agree that if claims are made, and stated as fact, they need to be proven. I believe that when it comes to evidence, it needs to be handled scientifically. Or at least as much so as we are capable of doing. On the same token, those who hold this mindset and belief, should be held to it. Meaning nobody, regardless of friendships or affiliations, should be given the benefit of the doubt. Bob could be lying, Jim could be telling the truth, they both could be lying, they both could be telling the truth. Everyone who makes claims presented as facts should be treated the same way. If you take it a step farther, which some in this community believe in doing, and feel that even theories, or just claims in general need to be supported with facts and evidence, then in the same respect everyone should be treated equally.
True science always takes a neutral approach. It allows for the evidence, observations, and data to determine the conclusion or outcome. Regardless of the source of the information or the claims that are made.
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1 comment:
A good read, Matt. It gets lost sometimes, but the good researchers know where to find the Purpose and Equality. It's those who step back and look at the bigger picture. Sometimes I think we loose the meaning behind those two words, getting caught up what Joe Blow is doing to realize we only have so much time before 30 years have come and gone without us knowing it.
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